
Mediatrix unit with Asterisk

This document outlines the configuration steps required to connect a Mediatrix unit to an Asterisk open-source telephone system.

In this scenario, the Mediatrix unit is used to:
  • Interface a PBX with an IP-PBX
  • Provide PSTN access via analog lines
  • Provide IP connectivity to analog phones and fax machines
The Asterisk IP-PBX provides:
  • Call routing, Dial Plan
    • Including routes to local PSTN gateways
  • Telephony services (voicemail, call forwarding, etc,) to IP users
  • SIP Endpoints management
  • Auto-Attendant



  • Asterisk server properly installed.
  • SIP client properly configured and registered against the Asterisk IP-PBX, able to place and receive calls.


Information to Know Before Starting

Before starting to use these configuration notes, complete the following table to make sure you have the required information to complete the different steps.

IMPORTANT: If you are not familiar with the meaning of the fields and buttons, click Show Help, located at the upper right corner of the Web page. When activated, the fields and buttons that offer online help will change to green and if you hover over them, the description will bedisplayed.
Note: The Mediatrix unit must be reinitialised to its factory default settings to make sure the configuration can be successfully executed.
Information Value Used in Step
IP address of unit Configuring the Asterisk - PBX Trunk and Configuring the Asterisk - PSTN Lines
Listening port of unit Configuring the Asterisk - PBX Trunk and Configuring the Asterisk - PSTN Lines
The SIP username used for calls coming from the PSTN Configuring the Asterisk - PSTN Lines
The SIP username used for calls coming from the PBX Configuring the Asterisk - PSTN Lines
SIP Username and Password to authenticate the gateway Authenticating the SIP Default Gateway
Asterisk server IP address
Asterisk server SIP listening port
DTMF transport method Configuring the Asterisk - PBX Trunk and Configuring the Asterisk - PSTN Lines and Configuring DTMF Transport


Configuration of the PBX Trunk

Configuring the Asterisk - PBX Trunk

  1. In the sip.config configuration file, create a new extension and add:
    1. [PBXTRUNK] : The SIP username used for calls coming from the PBX.
    2. type=peer
    3. host= IP address of Mediatrix unit
    4. port= listening port of the Mediatrix unit
    5. nat=no
    6. qualify=no
    7. canreinvite=no
    8. dtmfmode=info
    9. context=FromPBX
    10. secret=TrunkPassword
    11. t38pt_udptl=yes
    Note: For more information on extensions, refer to the Extension Description section.
  2. In the extensions.conf file, add a context for calls coming from the PBX. Refer to your Asterisk documentation.
  3. In the extensions.conf file, modify the context of the extensions to allow them to send calls to the PBX. Refer to your Asterisk documentation.
  4. Reload the Asterisk settings by connecting to the Asterisk CLI (asterisk -r) and typing the reload command.
  5. If you want to use the T.38 protocol to transfer faxes, refer to the Technical Bulletin - Standard Fax Configuration published on the Media5 Documentation Portal.


Configuring the Asterisk - PSTN Lines

  1. In the sip.conf configuration file, create a new extension by adding the following:
    1. [PSTNTrunk] = The SIP username used for calls coming from the PSTN.
    2. type= peer
    3. host=IP address of Mediatrix unit
    4. port=listening port of the Mediatrix unit
    5. nat=no
    6. qualify=no
    7. canreinvite=no
    8. dtmfmode=info
    9. context= FromPSTN
    10. secret= TrunkPassword
    11. t38pt_udptl=yes
    Note: For more information on extensions, refer to the Extension Description section.
  2. In the extensions.conf file, add a context for calls coming from the PSTN. Refer to your Asterisk documentation.
  3. In the extensions.conf file , modify the context of the PBX to allow the PBX users to send calls to the PSTN. Refer to your Asterisk documentation.
  4. In the extensions.conf, modify the context of the extensions to allow them to send calls to the PBX. Refer to your Asterisk documentation.
  5. You can reload the Asterisk settings by connecting to the Asterisk CLI (asterisk –r) and typing the reload command.


Extension Description

Extension Description
[PBXTRUNK] SIP username used for calls coming from the PBX.
[PSTNTrunk] SIP username used for calls coming from the PSTN.
type=peer This is part of the method used by the Asterisk server to match incoming INVITES to this user.
host=ip address of Mediatrix unit This means the extension will not register to the Asterisk server. This is the IP address of the Mediatrix unit.
port=xxx Port used for requests to and from the Mediatrix unit.
nat=no The Mediatrix unit is not behind a NAT.
qualify=no No keep alive is used.
canreinvite=no No reINVITE is sent to this extension.
dtmfmode=info The DTMF is sent/received in SIP INFO messages.
context=xxxx This is the context where the call from this extension is sent. It is the same context for the IP phone and the Mediatrix Unit.
secret=TrunkPassword The SIP authentication password
t38pt_udptl=yes This allows T.38 fax to be sent by this trunk. This setting is set to no for the IP phone and the Mediatrix unit .


Configuring the Default SIP Servers

In some instances, the configuration of the default servers may already be completed.
  1. Go to SIP/Servers.
  2. In the Registrar Host field, indicate the server IP address or FQDN of the SIP Registrar server .
  3. In the Proxy Host field, indicate the server IP address or FQDN of the SIP Proxy server.
  4. In the Messaging Server Host field, indicate the server IP address or FQDN of the Messaging server, if needed.
  5. Leave the Outbound Proxy Host field empty, unless specifically instructed to set a value.
    Note: Setting the address to or leaving the field empty disables the outbound proxy host.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Located at the top of the page, click restart required services.


Configuring the Default Gateway

Before you begin
Make sure your telephony interface has both Physical and Signalling up before starting.
  1. Go to SIP/Gateways.
  2. In the Gateway Configuration table, enter in the Port field, the listening port the Gateway will be using for SIP signaling if it is different from 5060.
    Note: The default value is 0 which stands for 5060.
  3. Click Apply.


Authenticating the SIP Default Gateway

  1. Go to SIP/Authentication.
  2. In the Authentication table, click located on the same line as the Default Gateway.
  3. Set the following parameters:
    1. Set Validate Realm to Disable.
    2. Set the User Name to reflect your configuration.
    3. Set the Password to reflect your configuration.
  4. Click Apply and Refresh Registration.



Configuration of Routes

Creating a Route From BRI to Asterisk

  1. Go to Call Router/Route Config.
  2. In the Routes table
    • click located on the same row as an existing route to add a route above or,
    • click located at the bottom of the table to add a route at the end of the table.
  3. In the Create New Route table, set the following parameters:
    1. Set Sources to BRI.
    2. Set Criteria Property to None.
    3. Set Destination to sip-default.
  4. Click Save.
The route will be added to the Routes table.


Creating a Hunt Group - BRI

  1. Go to Call Router/Route Config.
  2. In the Hunt table, click
  3. In the Configure New Hunt table, set the following:
    1. Set the Name field to BRI .
    2. Using the Destinations' drop box, add all the BRI ports used in your configuration.
    3. Leave the other fields with their default value.
  4. Click Save.


Creating a Route from Asterisk to the BRI Hunt Group

  1. Go to Call Router/Route Config.
  2. In the Routes table
    • click located on the same row as an existing route to add a route above or,
    • click located at the bottom of the table to add a route at the end of the table.
  3. In the Configure Route table, set the following parameters:
    1. Set Sources to sip-default.
    2. Set Criteria Property to None.
    3. Set Destination to hunt_BRI.
  4. Click Save.


Registering a Unit to All Gateways

  1. Go to SIP/Registrations.
  2. In the Unit Registration table, enter in the User Name, a username to uniquely identify the user in the domain.
  3. From the Gateway Name selection list, choose All.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each SIP account/Registration needed.
  5. Click Apply and Refresh.
  6. Click restart required services located at the top of the page.
The information will be displayed in the Unit Registration Status table.


Enabling Automatic Call Activation

  1. Go to Telephony/Services.
  2. In the Select Endpoint drop down menu, select the port you want to configure.
  3. In the Automatic Call section, set the following parameters:
    1. Set Endpoint Specific to Yes.
    2. Set Automatic Call Activation to Enable.
    3. Set the Automatic Call Target to the number of the IVR configured in the Asterisk server.
  4. Repeat the steps 2 and 3 for the other ports you need to configure.


Configuring DTMF Transport

  1. Go to Media/Misc.
  2. In the DTMF Transport table, set the Transport Method to the one set in the VoIP server.
    1. In-band
    2. Out-of-Band using RTP (RFC2833). This is usually the preferred method. Remember to set the payload type if different (e.g.: 96, 101 or 110 in some cases).
    3. Out-of-Band using SIP. For Cisco or Avaya systems, from the SIP Transport Method field, use Info DTMF Relay. For legacy Nortel and others, leave Draft Choudhuri SIP Info Digit 00.
    4. Signaling Protocol Dependent: choose this method if unsure. It will try to use the method negotiated by the VoIP server.
  3. Click Apply.


DGW Documentation

Mediatrix devices are supplied with an exhaustive set of documentation.

Mediatrix user documentation is available on the Media5 Documentation Portal.

Several types of documents were created to clearly present the information you are looking for. Our documentation includes:
  • Release notes: Generated at each GA release, this document includes the known and solved issues of the software. It also outlines the changes and the new features the release includes.
  • Configuration notes: These documents are created to facilitate the configuration of a specific use case. They address a configuration aspect we consider that most users will need to perform. However, in some cases, a configuration note is created after receiving a question from a customer. They provide standard step-by-step procedures detailing the values of the parameters to use. They provide a means of validation and present some conceptual information. The configuration notes are specifically created to guide the user through an aspect of the configuration.
  • Technical bulletins: These documents are created to facilitate the configuration of a specific technical action, such as performing a firmware upgrade.
  • Hardware installation guide: They provide the detailed procedure on how to safely and adequately install the unit. It provides information on card installation, cable connections, and how to access for the first time the Management interface.
  • User guide: The user guide explains how to customise to your needs the configuration of the unit. Although this document is task oriented, it provides conceptual information to help the user understand the purpose and impact of each task. The User Guide will provide information such as where and how TR-069 can be configured in the Management Interface, how to set firewalls, or how to use the CLI to configure parameters that are not available in the Management Interface.
  • Reference guide: This exhaustive document has been created for advanced users. It includes a description of all the parameters used by all the services of the Mediatrix units. You will find, for example, scripts to configure a specific parameter, notification messages sent by a service, or an action description used to create Rulesets. This document includes reference information such as a dictionary, and it does not include any step-by-step procedures.


Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2023 Media5 Corporation.

This document contains information that is proprietary to Media5 Corporation.

Media5 Corporation reserves all rights to this document as well as to the Intellectual Property of the document and the technology and know-how that it includes and represents.

This publication cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, in any form whatsoever, without written prior approval by Media5 Corporation.

Media5 Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes at any time and without the obligation to notify any person and/or entity of such revisions and/or changes.