
Information to Know Before Starting

Before starting to use these configuration notes, complete the following table to make sure you have the required information to complete the different steps.

IMPORTANT: If you are not familiar with the meaning of the fields and buttons, click Show Help, located at the upper right corner of the Web page. When activated, the fields and buttons that offer online help will change to green and if you hover over them, the description will bedisplayed.
Note: The Mediatrix unit must be reinitialised to its factory default settings to make sure the configuration can be successfully executed.
This documents includes the basic configuration of an FXO gateway. If you wish to add registration and authentication, refer to the Technical Bulletin - Basic SIP Unit Registration and DGW Configuration Guide - SIP Authentication documentation published on the Media5 Documentation Portal.
Information Value Used in Step
IP address of unit Logging on to the Mediatrix Unit Web Interface
IP address or FQDN of Registrar host Configuring the Default SIP Servers
IP address or FQDN of Proxy host Configuring the Default SIP Servers


Configuring the Mediatrix Unit

Logging on to the Mediatrix Unit Web Interface

Before you begin
The computer IP address must be in the same TCP/IP network as the Mediatrix unit.
About this task
For better performances, it is recommended to use the latest available version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.
Note: You may not be able to log on to the Mediatrix unit Web interface if you are using older browser versions.
  1. In your Web browser, enter the IP address at which the Web interface of your Mediatrix unit can be reached.
    • If your network has an IPv4 DHCP server, connect the primary Ethernet port of the Mediatrix unit to the network (ETH1 port), use the provided DHCP server IP address.
    • You can also connect your computer to the secondary Ethernet port of the Mediatrix unit (ETH2), use the IP address. However, the computer must also own an IP address in the network.
  2. Enter admin as your username and administrator as the password.
    Note: You can also use public as a username and leave the password field empty; it has the full administration rights by default.
  3. Click Login.
The Information page of the Web interface is displayed.


Configuring the Default SIP Servers

In some instances, the configuration of the default servers may already be completed.
  1. Go to SIP/Servers.
  2. In the Registrar Host field, indicate the server IP address or FQDN of the SIP Registrar server .
  3. In the Proxy Host field, indicate the server IP address or FQDN of the SIP Proxy server.
  4. In the Messaging Server Host field, indicate the server IP address or FQDN of the Messaging server, if needed.
  5. Leave the Outbound Proxy Host field empty, unless specifically instructed to set a value.
    Note: Setting the address to or leaving the field empty disables the outbound proxy host.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Located at the top of the page, click restart required services.


Creating a Hunt

  1. Go to Call Router/Route Config.
  2. In the Hunt table, click .
  3. In the Name field, type FXO_Hunt.
  4. From the drop box next to the Destinations field, select fxo-FXO1, fxo-FXO2, fxo-FXO3, fxo-FXO4.
  5. From the drop box next to the Causes field, select the causes pertinent to your situation.
  6. Click Save.


Creating a New Route

Before you begin
The task Creating a Hunt must be completed.
  1. Go to Call Router/Route Config.
  2. In the Routes table, click .
  3. From the dropbox next to the Sources field, select sip-default.
  4. From the dropbox next to the Destination field, select hunt-FXO_Hunt.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Routes table, click .
  7. From the dropbox next to the Sources, select all the used FXO port.
  8. In the Destination field, set sip-default.
  9. Click Save to apply the new configuration.


Configuring Automatic Call Activation on All FXO Ports

  1. Go to Telephony/Services.
  2. Set the Select Endpoint selection list to Default.
  3. Set the Automatic Call Activation to Enable.
  4. Set the Automatic Call Target to the SIP server IVR or desired extension number.


Configuring Automatic Call Activation on a Specific FXO Port

Before you begin
These steps are applicable only if the unit performs survivability through FXO ports.
  1. Go to Telephony/Services.
  2. From the Select Endpoint selection list, select the FXO endpoint to configure.
  3. In the Automatic Call section, set the Endpoint Specific selection list to Yes.
  4. Set the Automatic Call Activation selection list to Enable.
  5. Set the Automatic Call Target selection list to the SIP server IVR or desired extension number.
  6. Repeat the steps 2 to 5 for each FXO endpoint to configure.
  7. Click Apply.

Calls form the selected endpoints lines will be sent to the configured destination number in the SIP server.


Configuring the Country for all Endpoints

  1. Go to Telephony/Misc.
  2. Make sure the Select Endpoint drop-down list is set to Default.
  3. In the Country table, select your country from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Apply.


Configuring the Dial Tone Detection

It allows the Mediatrix unit to wait for a dial tone before initiating the dialing sequence. If no dial tone is detected, the line is considered busy.
  1. Go to POTS/FXO Configuration.
  2. In the FXO Dialing Configuration table, from the Dial Tone Detection Mode drop box, select CountryTone.
    Note: Not all PBX manufacturers produce the country dial tone on the extension line. If this is the case, make sure the Dial Tone Detection Mode is disabled, otherwise the Mediatrix unit will not output dialed digits.
    Note: Not all PSTN switches produce the country dial tone on the PSTN line. If this is the case, make sure the Dial Tone Detection Mode is disabled, otherwise the Mediatrix unit will not output dialed digits.
  3. Click Apply.


Configuring the Answering Delay

  1. Go to POTS/FXO Configuration.
  2. In the FXO Answering Configuration table, complete the fields as required.
    Note: If the PBX does not pass the caller ID to the Mediatrix unit, you can reduce the Wait Before Answering Delay to 2500 to reduce the time before the Mediatrix unit goes off-hook upon ring detection.
  3. Click Apply.


Configuring the Far End Disconnect Parameters


  1. Go to POTS/FXO Configuration.
  2. In the FXO Force End of Call table, from the Force End Of Call On Tone Detection Mode drop box, select Custom Tone.
  3. Set the Tone Detection Custom Frequency field to 350.
    Note: Verify with your PBX supplier what tone (exact frequency and cadence) the PBX produces on the extension when the far end is disconnected.
  4. Complete the other fields as required.
  5. Click Apply.


Restarting Services

  1. Go to System/Services.
  2. In the restart required services table, click restart required services.


Online Help

If you are not familiar with the meaning of the fields and buttons, click Show Help, located at the upper right corner of the Web page. When activated, the fields and buttons that offer online help will change to green and if you hover over them, the description will bedisplayed.


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Media5 Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes at any time and without the obligation to notify any person and/or entity of such revisions and/or changes.