
Call Router Simulator

The Call Router includes a call simulator allowing the simulated generation of a call from any available FXS, BRI, PRI or FXO telephony interface of a unit.

With this simulation it is easy to test the Call Router settings such as a number or header manipulation. The simulation creates the normal syslog traces just as with a call and it is then possible to follow the complete process.

The call router simulator is only available by the CLI. All commands to use the call simulator start with CRout. For more details refer to Specific Call Router Simulation CLI Commands section of this document and the Configuration Scripting Language published on the Media5 Documentation Portal.

IMPORTANT: Once call simulation is no longer needed, the unit must be restarted.


Using the Call Router Simulator

Before you begin
The Call Router Simulator is only available with the CLI refer to the CLI documentation available under the Provisioning section of the Technical Bulletins section of the Media5 documentation portal at Make sure there is a route configured on the unit. For more details refer to Call Router Basic Routes document published on the Media5 documentation portal.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the key buffer (arrow up) to write the parameters in the CLI, as syntax errors are sometimes introduced .
  1. Enter CRout.ClearCallSimulationSettings to clear all the settings of the previous call router simulation.
  2. To define all needed properties, enter the following command:
    CRout.SetCallSimulationProperty Property="TheProperty" PropertyValue="TheValue"
    CRout.SetCallSimulationProperty Property="CallingE164" PropertyValue="1234567"
  3. Enter the CRout.StartCallSimulation sourceInterface=”source” command to start the simulation.
    Note: If necessary, enter the EpAdm.Endpoint command to list available endpoints.
  4. If simulation is no longer required, restart the unit.


Specific Call Router Simulation CLI Commands

Command Definition
CRout.ClearCallSimulationSettings Clear all settings of the previous call router simulation
CRout.StartCallSimulation sourceInterface=”source” Start Call router simulation for the defined source
CRout.SetCallSimulationProperty Property="TheProperty" PropertyValue="TheValue"

Define all needed properties for the simulation

EpAdm.Endpoint List the available endpoints of the unit


Supported Call Property Names

Only a subset of the call properties can be simulated. The following table contains the supported Call Property names required for the Property argument of the Crout.SetCallSimulationProperty command.
Description Argument name Expect value type
E.164 CalledE164 / CallingE164 String
Name CalledName / CallingName String
Host CalledHost / CallingHost String
Uri CalledUri / CallingUri String
Numbering Plan Indicator (NPI) CalledNpi / CallingNpi Integer / String
Type Of Number (TON) CalledTon / CallingTon Integer / String
Information Transfer Capability (ITC) CalledItc / CallingItc Integer / String
Presentation Indicator (PI) CalledPi / CallingPi Integer / String
Screening Indicator (SI) CalledSi / CallingSi Integer / String
Clear Channel Codec CalledCcc / CallingCcc Integer
Emergency Flag CalledEf / CallingEf Integer
Distinctive Ringing CalledDr / CallingDr String
SIP Username CalledUsr / CallingUsr String
Bearer Channel CalledBchan / CallingBchan String
Diverting Counter CalledDivc / CallingDivc Integer
Last Diverting Reason CalledLdivr / CallingLdivr Integer
Last Diverting E.164 CalledLdive / CallingLdive String
Last Diverting PNT CalledLdivpnt / CallingLdivpnt Integer
Last Diverting Private TON CalledLdivpriton / CallingLdivpriton Integer
Last Diverting Public TON CalledLdivpubton / CallingLdivpubton Integer
Last Diversting Presentation CalledLdivpre / CallingLdivpre Integer
Original Diverting Reason CalledOdivr / CallingOdivr Integer
Original Diverting E.164 CalledOdive / CallingOdive String
Original Diverting Party Number Type CalledOdivpnt / CallingOdivpnt Integer
Original Diverting Private TON CalledOdivpriton / CallingOdivpriton Integer
Original Diverting Public TON CalledOdivpubton / CallingOdivpubton Integer
Original Diverting Presentation CalledOdivpre / CallingOdivpre Integer



Simulation - Incoming Call from a PBX to the PRI Port

This example is based on a Mediatrix G7 unit with a PRI card.

IMPORTANT: Do not use the key buffer (arrow up) to write the parameters in the CLI, as syntax errors are sometimes introduced .
  1. To clear all the settings of the previous call router simulation, enter the following command:
  2. To define the required parameters, enter the following command:
    CRout.SetCallSimulationProperty Property="CallingE164" PropertyValue="11111"
  3. Enter the following command:
    CRout.SetCallSimulationProperty Property="CalledE164" PropertyValue="22222"
  4. To start the simulation, enter the following command:
    CRout.StartCallSimulation SourceInterface="PRI1"
  5. In no other simulation is required, restart the unit.


Simulation - Call from PRI to SIP with Number Manipulation

For this example a Mediatrix G7 unit is used a PRI interface, do not forget to create the Call Property Transformation in DGW as follows.

  1. IMPORTANT: Do not use the key buffer (arrow up) to write the parameters in the CLI, as syntax errors are sometimes introduced .

  2. To clear all the settings of the previous call router simulation, enter the following command:
  3. To define the required parameters, enter the following command:
    CRout.SetCallSimulationProperty Property="CallingE164" PropertyValue="203303"
  4. Enter the following command:
     CRout.SetCallSimulationProperty Property="CalledE164" PropertyValue="204401"
  5. Enter the following command:
    CRout.StartCallSimulation SourceInterface="PRI1"
  6. If simulation is no longer required, restart the unit.



DGW Documentation

Mediatrix devices are supplied with an exhaustive set of documentation.

Mediatrix user documentation is available on the Media5 Documentation Portal.

Several types of documents were created to clearly present the information you are looking for. Our documentation includes:
  • Release notes: Generated at each GA release, this document includes the known and solved issues of the software. It also outlines the changes and the new features the release includes.
  • Configuration notes: These documents are created to facilitate the configuration of a specific use case. They address a configuration aspect we consider that most users will need to perform. However, in some cases, a configuration note is created after receiving a question from a customer. They provide standard step-by-step procedures detailing the values of the parameters to use. They provide a means of validation and present some conceptual information. The configuration notes are specifically created to guide the user through an aspect of the configuration.
  • Technical bulletins: These documents are created to facilitate the configuration of a specific technical action, such as performing a firmware upgrade.
  • Hardware installation guide: They provide the detailed procedure on how to safely and adequately install the unit. It provides information on card installation, cable connections, and how to access for the first time the Management interface.
  • User guide: The user guide explains how to customise to your needs the configuration of the unit. Although this document is task oriented, it provides conceptual information to help the user understand the purpose and impact of each task. The User Guide will provide information such as where and how TR-069 can be configured in the Management Interface, how to set firewalls, or how to use the CLI to configure parameters that are not available in the Management Interface.
  • Reference guide: This exhaustive document has been created for advanced users. It includes a description of all the parameters used by all the services of the Mediatrix units. You will find, for example, scripts to configure a specific parameter, notification messages sent by a service, or an action description used to create Rulesets. This document includes reference information such as a dictionary, and it does not include any step-by-step procedures.


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Copyright © 2023 Media5 Corporation.

This document contains information that is proprietary to Media5 Corporation.

Media5 Corporation reserves all rights to this document as well as to the Intellectual Property of the document and the technology and know-how that it includes and represents.

This publication cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, in any form whatsoever, without written prior approval by Media5 Corporation.

Media5 Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes at any time and without the obligation to notify any person and/or entity of such revisions and/or changes.