The firmware pack is a ZIP file that contains the modules and the features to install on
your Mediatrix unit when a new release is available.
When unzipping the firmware pack, the content is extracted according to a pre-defined tree
architecture. This creates a directory that contains the files required for the Mediatrix unit to
properly upgrade its firmware.
Perform this procedure if you plan to use the HTTPS transport protocol.
Set an HTTPS service on the assigned server.
Make sure the HTTPS server can be reached by the Mediatrix unit.
Note: If the file server is located behind a firewall, make sure the TCP port
443 is open.
Make sure that in the Management/Certificates tab, in the
Certificate Import Through Web
Browser table, there is a certificate that authenticates the HTTPS server selected in
the Path field, and
that Other is selected
in the Type
The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is used to update and synchronise the clock of
the Mediatrix unit (day, month, time) when it is restarted.
Mediatrix units do not all include a real time clock allowing them to maintain accurate time
when they are shutdown. Your system needs to have access to accurate time, for example if you are
using HTTPS or for the caller ID feature. The Mediatrix unit implements a SNTP client, which can
synchronise the local clock with remote NTP/SNTP servers. The configuration can be automatic
(through DHCP for example), with fallback, or static, with up to four servers.
Configuring the Mediatrix Unit to Use an SNTP Server
Before you begin
Make sure there is an SNTP server available.
Go to Network/Host.
In the SNTP Configuration table,
from the Configuration Source
selection list, select the connection type from which you wish to obtain the
SNTP parameters.
Note: Complete Step 3
only if you are using static SNTP server(s), otherwise go to Step 4.
Provide an IP address or domain name and port numbers for each SNTP
server you are using.
If necessary, change the displayed default value of the Synchronisation Period.
If necessary, change the displayed default value of the Synchronisation Period on Error.
Click Apply.
The SNTP host name and port will be displayed in the Host Status table under Network/Status.
Unzip the firmware pack ZIP file
Note: You can unzip the files on any computer. However, keep in mind that the
upgrade will be performed using the firmware pack files located on the file
server only. Therefore, the folder containing the unzipped files must be
copied to the file server (MediatrixXXXX folder).
IMPORTANT: Do not change the name of the unzipped folder.
Copy the MediatrixXXXX folder, containing the unzipped files of the firmware
pack, to the file server you have chosen to use (FTP, HTTPS,TFTP, or HTTP
Note: The MediatrixXXXX folder is typically installed at the root folder of the
file server. You may choose another path, but the root of the path must be
on the file server, otherwise the upgrade will fail.
The Firmware Pack files are ready to be imported to the system.
Installing a DGW Firmware Version Using the DGW Web Interface
Before you begin
Make sure to make a backup of your configuration and save the configuration script
before proceeding to the next step.
Note: Our QA tests cover five (5) major releases back
for each new release. If you are upgrading from a load older than five (5) major
releases back, you must install an intermediate version before upgrading to the
newest one. The only exception is when upgrading from DGW to DGW
In the Firmware Packs Configuration
table, in the Version
field, enter the version of your Firmware Upgrade Pack.
If you wish the unit to automatically restart immediately after the upgrade,
select Enable from the
Automatic Restart Enable
selection list.
Note: If you choose Disable, the unit must
be manually restarted in order to complete the upgrade. A message will be
displayed to restart the unit.
If you chose Enable
from the Automatic Restart Enable,
complete the Automatic Restart Grace
field (optional).
Note: This provides a delay for the telephony calls to be terminated before the
unit is restarted. When there are no active calls, the unit will restart
immediately. If you wish to allow a delay for the services, set the same
parameter under System/Services.
If you wish to restart the system with the default settings, set the Default Settings On
field to Enable.
In the Firmware Pack
field, enter Dgw.
Note: Remember that the name is case sensitive.
In the Transfer Configuration table
from the Transfer Protocol selection
list, select the type of protocol you wish to use to transfer your Firmware
Note: This must be consistent with the file server you have configured.
In the Host Name
field, enter the file server IP address or FQDN.
In the Location
field, enter the path where the MediatrixXXXX folder is located relative to the
root of the file server.
Note: If the MediatrixXXXX folder was copied in the root of the file server,
this field must remain empty.
If your server requires authentication, enter your username and password.
Note: Make sure the file server is started.
Apply Install Now
Note: When the firmware pack update fails, the Mediatrix unit tries to download
the firmware three times.
All LEDs will cycle from left to right. The upgrade process should take less that 3
minutes and the unit will be restarted a few times. Once the upgrade will be completed,
the new firmware pack version will appear under the Firmware Pack Installed table
(Management/Firmware Upgrade).
Although the services can be configured in great part in the Web browser, some
aspects of the configuration can only be completed with the configuration parameters by
using a MIB browser
using the CLI
creating a configuration script containing the configuration parameters
For more details on the following parameters, refer to the DGW Configuration Guide - Reference Guide
published on the Media5 Documentation Portal. The
Reference Guide contains all the parameters used in the DGW software with their
description, default values, and interactions. .
If you are not familiar with the meaning of the fields and
buttons, click Show Help, located at the upper right corner of
the Web page. When activated, the fields and buttons that offer online help will
change to green and if you hover over them, the description will bedisplayed.
Several types of documents were created to clearly present the information you are looking for.
Our documentation includes:
Release notes: Generated at each GA release, this document includes the known and
solved issues of the software. It also outlines the changes and the new features the release
Configuration notes: These documents are created to facilitate the configuration of a
specific use case. They address a configuration aspect we consider that most users will need to
perform. However, in some cases, a configuration note is created after receiving a question
from a customer. They provide standard step-by-step procedures detailing the values of the
parameters to use. They provide a means of validation and present some conceptual information.
The configuration notes are specifically created to guide the user through an aspect of the
Technical bulletins: These documents are created to facilitate the configuration of a
specific technical action, such as performing a firmware upgrade.
Hardware installation guide: They provide the detailed procedure on how to safely and
adequately install the unit. It provides information on card installation, cable connections,
and how to access for the first time the Management interface.
User guide: The user guide explains how to customise to your needs the configuration
of the unit. Although this document is task oriented, it provides conceptual information to
help the user understand the purpose and impact of each task. The User Guide will provide
information such as where and how TR-069 can be configured in the Management Interface, how to
set firewalls, or how to use the CLI to configure parameters that are not available in the
Management Interface.
Reference guide: This exhaustive document has been created for advanced users. It
includes a description of all the parameters used by all the services of the Mediatrix units.
You will find, for example, scripts to configure a specific parameter, notification messages
sent by a service, or an action description used to create Rulesets. This document includes
reference information such as a dictionary, and it does not include any step-by-step
This document contains information that is proprietary to Media5 Corporation.
Media5 Corporation reserves all rights to this document as well as to the Intellectual Property
of the document and the technology and know-how that it includes and represents.
This publication cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, in any form whatsoever,
without written prior approval by Media5 Corporation.
Media5 Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes at any time
and without the obligation to notify any person and/or entity of such revisions and/or