Packet Captures
Packet captures are data packets intercepted when passing through a specific computer network.
Captured packets can be sent to a specific location where they can be analysed. The content of the capture can therefore be used to diagnose or troubleshoot network problems and determine if network security policies are being followed.
- With the pcapture CLI command available only via the CLI. This method displays the captured packet directly in the CLI or allows streaming the captured packet to a SSH tunnel to a remote Wireshark client.
- With the Nlm.PCaptureStart command. This is a muse command, it can be executed via SNMP, a script, and the CLI. This is the same command used when performing packet captures via the DGW Web page. This method sends the captured file to a file or to a HTTP server via a standard HTTP upload.
- With the DGW Web Interface, under System/Packet Capture.
Starting a Network Capture
Downloading a Local Capture File From the Mediatrix Unit to Your PC
- Go to Management/File.
- In the Internal files table, click the name of the file you have given to your capture.
- Save your capture file.
Filter Examples
- Filter: port 5060
- Captures all traffic on (either source or destination) port 5060 (SIP)
- Filter: port 5060 and host
- Captures all traffic on port 5060 and source or destination IP
- Filter: port 5060 and dst host
- We can enter “dst” or “src” before “host” (or “port”) to specify the destination or source host (or port
- Filter: not broadcast and not multicast
- Filter out the broadcast and multicast traffic
Starting a Network Capture on a Specific VLAN
This method is performed with the PCaptureStart command of the Nml service.
Creating a VLAN
Starting a Network Capture Remotely On Windows
- You must know the IP address of the unit running the DGW software.
- The Mediatrix unit must be running a DGW v2.0.39.689 firmware or higher.
- You must have a PC running Wireshark.
- The first time the unit is connected via plink/wireshark, do not forget to answer y to the Store key in cache? (y/n) question displayed in the CMD window.
- Make sure there are no other plink sessions already running.
Examples of pcapture Commands for Windows
plink.exe -ssh -no-antispoof -pw "administrator" admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 not broadcast and not multicast" | wireshark -k -i -
from the uplink interface of the Mediatrix unit, the packets of the VLan for which the VlanId
is 100
only.plink.exe -ssh -no-antispoof -pw "administrator" admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1.100" | wireshark -k -i -
from the uplink interface of the Mediatrix unit, the packets going through the Ethernet port
eth1, but using RTP
only.plink.exe -ssh -no-antispoof -pw "administrator" admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 -t rtp " | wireshark -k -i -
from the uplink interface of the Mediatrix unit, the packets going through the Ethernet port
eth1, but using port 5060 only (either source or
destination).plink.exe -ssh -no-antispoof -pw "administrator" admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 port 5060 " | wireshark -k -i -
from the uplink interface of the Mediatrix unit, the packets going through the Ethernet port
eth1, but using port 5060 as the source
only.plink.exe -ssh -no-antispoof -pw "administrator" admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 src port 5060 " | wireshark -k -i -
from the uplink interface of the Mediatrix unit, the packets going through the Ethernet port
eth1, but using port 5060 as the destination
only.plink.exe -ssh -no-antispoof -pw "administrator" admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 dst port 5060 " | wireshark -k -i -
the packets going through the Ethernet port eth1, for traffic for which the source or the
destination is the unit with the 00:90:F8:07:5A:6D MAC
address.plink.exe -ssh -no-antispoof -pw "administrator" admin@ "pcapture -i eth1 ether host 00:90:F8:07:5A:6D " | wireshark -k -i -
the packets going through the Ethernet port eth1, for traffic for which the source or the
destination is the units whit the or host IP
addresses.plink.exe -ssh -no-antispoof -pw "administrator" admin@ "pcapture -i eth1 host or host " | wireshark -k -i -
Important Information to Know on Wireshark
When starting a Network Capture Remotely on windows, two major problems can occur.
- The first time the unit is connected via plink/wireshark, no capture will be displayed in the Wireshark window because plink must first confirm the ssh key. Make sure to toggle to the CMD window to be able to answer y to the Store key in cache? (y/n) question. Only then will the capture be displayed.
- Only one session at the time must be running. If the Data written to the
pipe is neither in a supported pcap format nor in pcapng format. Wireshark
message is displayed, it is usually because either:
- there is already another plink or putty session running. Make sure to exit all putty/plink sessions, to quit wireshark and to press CTRL-C several times in the CMD session to make sure the program is terminated.
- there is another user or a script accessing the device on another PC. In that case, restart the CLI service via the DGW Web interface (under System/Services) and wait about 30 seconds.
Starting a Network Capture Remotely On MacOS or Linux
- The Mediatrix unit must be running a DGW v2.0.17.285 firmware or higher.
- You must know the IP address of the unit running the DGW software.
- You must have a PC running Wireshark.
Examples of pcapture Commands on MacOs and Linux
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 not broadcast and not multicast" | wireshark -k -i -
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1.100" | wireshark -k -i -
Forces capture to interpret all packets as rtp packeta. Typically, this is used with a filter that only keeps rtp packets.
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 -T rtp " | wireshark -k -i -
Capture only rtp packets, going through the Ethernet port eth1, but using port 5006 only (either source or destination)
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i -T rtp eth1 port 5006 " |wireshark -k -i -
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 port 5060 " | wireshark -k -i -
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 src port 5060 " | wireshark -k -i -
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 dst port 5060 " | wireshark -k -i -
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 ether host 00:90:F8:07:5A:6D " | wireshark -k -i -
ssh admin@ "pcapture -raw -i eth1 host or host " | wireshark -k -i -
Online Help
If you are not familiar with the meaning of the fields and buttons, click Show Help, located at the upper right corner of the Web page. When activated, the fields and buttons that offer online help will change to green and if you hover over them, the description will bedisplayed.
DGW Documentation
Mediatrix devices are supplied with an exhaustive set of documentation.
Mediatrix user documentation is available on the Media5 Documentation Portal.
- Release notes: Generated at each GA release, this document includes the known and solved issues of the software. It also outlines the changes and the new features the release includes.
- Configuration notes: These documents are created to facilitate the configuration of a specific use case. They address a configuration aspect we consider that most users will need to perform. However, in some cases, a configuration note is created after receiving a question from a customer. They provide standard step-by-step procedures detailing the values of the parameters to use. They provide a means of validation and present some conceptual information. The configuration notes are specifically created to guide the user through an aspect of the configuration.
- Technical bulletins: These documents are created to facilitate the configuration of a specific technical action, such as performing a firmware upgrade.
- Hardware installation guide: They provide the detailed procedure on how to safely and adequately install the unit. It provides information on card installation, cable connections, and how to access for the first time the Management interface.
- User guide: The user guide explains how to customise to your needs the configuration of the unit. Although this document is task oriented, it provides conceptual information to help the user understand the purpose and impact of each task. The User Guide will provide information such as where and how TR-069 can be configured in the Management Interface, how to set firewalls, or how to use the CLI to configure parameters that are not available in the Management Interface.
- Reference guide: This exhaustive document has been created for advanced users. It includes a description of all the parameters used by all the services of the Mediatrix units. You will find, for example, scripts to configure a specific parameter, notification messages sent by a service, or an action description used to create Rulesets. This document includes reference information such as a dictionary, and it does not include any step-by-step procedures.
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2023 Media5 Corporation.
This document contains information that is proprietary to Media5 Corporation.
Media5 Corporation reserves all rights to this document as well as to the Intellectual Property of the document and the technology and know-how that it includes and represents.
This publication cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, in any form whatsoever, without written prior approval by Media5 Corporation.
Media5 Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes at any time and without the obligation to notify any person and/or entity of such revisions and/or changes.