

  • Minimum supported SNAP solution platform: v4.1
  • Minimum DGW supported Firmware version: DGW v45.0
  • For FXS gateways only.
  • Please first contact your sales representative on instructions on how to access the netsapiens templates for your specific unit.
    • Mediatrix 4102S : mediatrix4102.cfg
    • Mediatrix C710: mediatrixC710.cfg
    • Mediatrix C711: mediatrixC711.cfg
    • Mediatrix S716: mediatrixS716.cfg
    • Mediatrix S724: mediatrixS724.cfg


Uploading the netsapiens Templates


netsapiens templates are provided on the Media5 Documentation Portal under the Templates & other downloads located under the Configuration Notes section

  1. From the Endpoints Admin UI, go to Systems/Files.
  2. From the Upload File dialog box, enter the information to download the appropriate netsapiens template for the Mediatrix unit.


Defining the Custom Formats

  1. In the natsapiens Endpoints Admin UI, go to System/Custom Format.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Format Name field, enter the name you wish to call the format.
  4. In the Template field, enter the name of the file uploaded in the Uploading the netsapiens Templates.
  5. Click Create.


Configuring the Mediatrix Unit in the netsapiens Platform

  1. In the Endpoints Admin UI, go to System/Device Definitions.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Complete the fields as follows:
    1. Brand: Mediatrix
    2. Model: the model of the device
    3. NPD code Structure: Name format as defined in Defining the Custom Formats
    4. # of Phone Lines:
    5. Resync Enabled: yes will allow for remote resync (reboot)
    6. Show in Portal: make the device available to provision in Portal


Adding the Devices to the netsapiens Plaform

Add the MAC address and lines like normal to the Portal or Endpoints.

Media5 device configuration files are created and are hosted on netsapiens provisioning server


Configuring Media5 Devices for Auto-provisioning from the netsapiens Platform

There are a few ways to set up Media5 devices to provision automatically with the netsapiens server:


Using Option 66 for Auto-provisioning Mediatrix Units with the netsapiens Platform

Before you begin
Make sure the DHCP service is started (System/Services/User Service) otherwise the DHCP Server tab will be greyed. To use specific files, you must know their name, their path and your server must be accessible by the unit.
  1. Go to Network/DHCP Server.
  2. From the Select Subnet selection list, choose the subnet requiring Option 66 configuration.
  3. In the DHCP Server Configuration table, make sure the DHCP Server Enable selection list is set to Enable.
  4. Under the Server Name (Option 66) make sure the Enable Option is set to Enable.
  5. From the Subnet Specific selection list, choose Yes.
  6. In the Server Name field enter http://<your endpoint FQDN>/cfg/%mac%.cfg
    Note: For example :
  7. Click Apply.


Using the Factory Profile for Auto-provisioning Mediatrix Units with the netsapiens Platform


Use the Mediatrix factory profile if you need to configure auto-provisioning for a large number of Mediatrix units with the netsapiens platform.

Please contact your Media5 Sales representative.


Using Media5 Virtuo as the Redirect Server

This method requires a yearly service plan subscription, please contact your Media5 sales representative.


Using the DGW Web Interface for Auto-provisioning a Mediatrix Unit with the netsapiens Platform

  1. Login to the DGW Web interface of the Mediatrix unit.
  2. Go to Management/Configuration Scripts.
  3. Select the Execute tab.
  4. Click Activate unsecure script transfers and execution through web browser located at the top of the tables.
  5. In the Execute Inline Script field, enter http://<your endpoint FQDN>/cfg/%mac%.cfg
    Note: For example :
  6. Click Execute.


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Copyright © 2023 Media5 Corporation.

This document contains information that is proprietary to Media5 Corporation.

Media5 Corporation reserves all rights to this document as well as to the Intellectual Property of the document and the technology and know-how that it includes and represents.

This publication cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, in any form whatsoever, without written prior approval by Media5 Corporation.

Media5 Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes at any time and without the obligation to notify any person and/or entity of such revisions and/or changes.