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<html lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2023"><meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2023"><meta name="DC.type" content="reference"><meta name="prodname" content="All Mediatrix units"><meta name="version" content="Virtuo 4.8.0"><meta name="platform" content="all"><meta name="" content="2023-0308-2809"><meta name="" content="2023-0308-2809"><meta name="" content="2023-0308-2809"><meta name="ChapterNumbering" content="no"><meta name="DC.format" content="HTML5"><meta name="DC.identifier" content="reference_j4q_1rc_f3b"><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><title>Using the Virtuo EMS as a Redirect Server for the BroadCloud Service</title></head><body><header role="banner"><div class="topicmeta title"> Using the Virtuo EMS as a Redirect Server for the BroadCloud Service</div><div class="topicmeta date">2023-0308-28<09</div><div class="topicmeta product">All Mediatrix units</div><div class="topicmeta version">Virtuo 4.8.0</div><div class="topicmeta pdf"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Download PDF Document</a></div><hr><span style="float: inline-end;"></span></header><nav role="toc"><ul><li><a href="#reference_j4q_1rc_f3b">Information to Know Before you Start</a></li><li><a href="#concept_dhs_5vd_h3b">Virtuo EMS Used as a Redirect Sever for the BroadCloud Service</a><ul><li><a href="#task_trv_qqw_23b">Logging On To Virtuo EMS</a></li><li><a href="#task_hy3_c2w_g3b">Adding a Configuration File to the Virtuo EMS</a></li><li><a href="#task_exf_j52_f3b">Associating a Virtuo Configuration File with a Group</a></li><li><a href="#task_rbb_hy3_h3b">Enabling the Redirect Function on a Mediatrix Unit</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="#reference_zwy_mzd_h3b">Example of a Redirect Script for BroadCloud</a></li><li><a href="#concept_fqm_rv4_k4">Copyright Notice</a></li></ul></nav><main role="main"><article role="article" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title1"><hr><span style="float: inline-end;"><a href="#">Top</a></span><article class="nested0" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title1" id="reference_j4q_1rc_f3b">
  <h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title1">Information to Know Before you Start</h1>
  <div class="body refbody">
    <section class="section">
      <div class="note note note_note"><span class="note__title">Note:</span> The Virtuo and BroadCloud provisioning process is in TLS. BroadCloud changes the admin
        and public passwords to some random values in the provisioning. To view the Mediatrix unit
        configuration, perform a partial reset. Refer to the <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">Technical Bulletins - Performing a Partial Reset</a>
        document published on the <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">Media5 Documentation Portal</a>.</div>
      <ul class="ul" id="reference_j4q_1rc_f3b__ul_pmd_4zw_s3b">
        <li class="li">The user must have as MSA that allows the use of Virtuo.</li>
        <li class="li">The Mediatrix unit must have access to: <ul class="ul" id="reference_j4q_1rc_f3b__ul_mbv_gdw_g3b">
            <li class="li">a valid DNS</li>
            <li class="li">an NTP server otherwise it will be impossible to validate the certificate date and
              therefore it will be rejected.</li>
            <li class="li">public internet</li>
      <div class="note note note_note"><span class="note__title">Note:</span> BroadCloud will upgrade the Mediatrix unit to another version of firmware (with MX
        profile). As a result, once the Mediatrix unit has received the provisioning from the
        BroadCloud server, it will not be able to come back to the Virtuo server, not even with a
        factory reset.</div>
</article><hr><span style="float: inline-end;"><a href="#">Top</a></span><article class="topic concept nested0" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title2" id="concept_dhs_5vd_h3b">
 <h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title2">Virtuo EMS Used as a Redirect Sever for the BroadCloud Service</h1>
 <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">In this use case, the Mediatrix Virtuo  EMS will be used as a redirect server for the
  BroadCloud Service.</p>
  <div class="p">
   <br><img class="image" id="concept_dhs_5vd_h3b__image_omm_mwd_h3b" src="" width="800"><br>
<hr><span style="float: inline-end;"><a href="#">Top</a></span><article class="topic task nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title3" id="task_trv_qqw_23b">
    <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title3">Logging On To Virtuo EMS</h2>
    <div class="body taskbody">
        <section class="section prereq"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Before you begin</strong></div>A username and a password is required to connect to the Virtuo EMS. </section>
        <section id="task_trv_qqw_23b__steps_l4j_nrw_23b"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Steps</strong></div><ol class="ol steps" id="task_trv_qqw_23b__steps_l4j_nrw_23b"><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">Go to <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank"></a></span>
            </li><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">Log on to the Virtuo EMS with your username and password.</span>
        <section class="section result"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Result</strong></div>The <span class="keyword wintitle">Virtuo EMS</span> home
            page will be displayed.</section>
</article><hr><span style="float: inline-end;"><a href="#">Top</a></span><article class="topic task nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title4" id="task_hy3_c2w_g3b">
    <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title4">Adding a Configuration File to the Virtuo EMS</h2>
    <div class="body taskbody"><p class="shortdesc">Use this procedure if the configuration script you wish to use is not in the
            <span class="keyword wintitle">Configuration</span> table
            (<span class="keyword wintitle">Configuration</span> in the
            <span class="keyword wintitle">Settings</span> section on the
        left hand side of screen),</p>
        <section id="task_hy3_c2w_g3b__steps_ff5_g2w_g3b"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Steps</strong></div><ol class="ol steps" id="task_hy3_c2w_g3b__steps_ff5_g2w_g3b"><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">In the Virtuo EMS Web interface, from the <span class="keyword wintitle">Settings</span> section
                    located on the left hand side of the screen, click <span class="keyword wintitle">Configuration</span>.</span>
            </li><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">In the <span class="keyword wintitle">Specific Configurations</span>
                    section, click <span class="keyword wintitle">Import Configuration</span>.</span>
            </li><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">Browse to the location of the configuration file.</span>
            </li><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">Click <span class="keyword wintitle">Import</span>.</span>
        <section class="section result"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Result</strong></div>The uploaded configuration will appear in the section <span class="keyword wintitle">Specific Configurations</span> of the
                <span class="keyword wintitle">Configuration</span>page.
            The configuration can now be associated with a group. The configuration can also be
            associated with a single unit as a specific configuration.<br><img class="image" id="task_hy3_c2w_g3b__image_lkv_rks_1jb" src="" width="800"><br></section>
</article><hr><span style="float: inline-end;"><a href="#">Top</a></span><article class="topic task nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title5" id="task_exf_j52_f3b">
    <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title5">Associating a Virtuo Configuration File with a Group</h2>
    <div class="body taskbody">
        <section id="task_exf_j52_f3b__steps_pqy_q52_f3b"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Steps</strong></div><ol class="ol steps" id="task_exf_j52_f3b__steps_pqy_q52_f3b"><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">In the Virtuo EMS Web interface, from the <span class="keyword wintitle">Settings</span> section
                    located on the left hand side of the screen, click <span class="keyword wintitle">Configuration</span>.</span>
            </li><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">Click <img class="image" id="task_exf_j52_f3b__image_ytm_jwj_h3b" src="" width="25"> located on the same line as the provisioning group
                    to which you wish to associate the configuration script. </span>
            </li><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">In the <span class="keyword wintitle">Group Details</span> page,
                    from the <span class="keyword wintitle">Configuration</span> selection list, choose the appropriate Configuration file.</span>
            </li><li class="li step">
                <span class="ph cmd">Click <span class="keyword wintitle">Save Group</span>.</span>
        <section class="section result"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Result</strong></div>When a Mediatrix unit is associated with the group, the selected configuration
            script will be applied for provisioning.<br><img class="image" id="task_exf_j52_f3b__image_lrw_4ls_1jb" src="" width="800"><br></section>
</article><hr><span style="float: inline-end;"><a href="#">Top</a></span><article class="topic task nested1" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title6" id="task_rbb_hy3_h3b">
    <h2 class="title topictitle2" id="ariaid-title6">Enabling the Redirect Function on a Mediatrix Unit</h2>
    <div class="body taskbody">
        <section id="task_rbb_hy3_h3b__steps_afm_mz3_h3b"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Steps</strong></div><ol class="ol steps" id="task_rbb_hy3_h3b__steps_afm_mz3_h3b"><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">Go to <span class="keyword wintitle">List</span>
                    located under the <span class="keyword wintitle">Units</span> section on the
                    left hand side of the Virtuo Home page.</span>
            </li><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">From the <span class="keyword wintitle">Find</span>
                    selection list located at the bottom of the <span class="keyword wintitle">Units</span> table, select
                        <span class="keyword wintitle">Serial Number</span>.</span>
            </li><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">In the <span class="keyword wintitle">Find</span>
                    field, enter the serial number of the unit .</span>
                <div class="itemgroup info">
                    <div class="note note note_note"><span class="note__title">Note:</span> If the unit does not appear in the <span class="keyword wintitle">Units</span> list, then,
                        if you purchased your unit directly from Media5, please contact technical
                        support at, otherwise contact your reseller.</div>
            </li><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">Click the line of the Mediatrix unit.</span>
            </li><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">Select the <span class="keyword wintitle">Unit Provisioning</span>
            </li><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">In the  <span class="keyword wintitle">Unit Provisioning</span>
                    section, select the <span class="keyword wintitle">Active</span> check
            </li><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">From the <span class="keyword wintitle">Provisioning Group</span>
                    selection list, choose the corresponding redirect script by picking the right
                    Configuration Group.</span>
            </li><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">Click <span class="keyword wintitle">Save</span>.</span>
            </li><li class="li step stepexpand">
                <span class="ph cmd">Click <span class="keyword wintitle">Back</span>.
                    The <span class="keyword wintitle">Units</span> table
                    will display when the unit last checked in, its profile and firmware version,
                    validating if the unit has come online and reached the Virtuo server or not.
        <section class="section result"><div class="tasklabel"><strong class="sectiontitle tasklabel">Result</strong></div>
            <br><img class="image" id="task_rbb_hy3_h3b__image_b4d_ctj_h3b" src="" width="800"><br>
</article></article><hr><span style="float: inline-end;"><a href="#">Top</a></span><article class="topic reference nested0" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title7" id="reference_zwy_mzd_h3b">
  <h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title7">Example of a Redirect Script for BroadCloud</h1>
  <div class="body refbody">
    <section class="section">
      <ul class="ul" id="reference_zwy_mzd_h3b__ul_hrx_nc2_h3b">
        <li class="li">BroadCloud has deployed different provisioning servers for different region. At the
          moment, BroadCloud has three provisioning server worldwide:<ul class="ul" id="reference_zwy_mzd_h3b__ul_onn_pc2_h3b">
            <li class="li">North America (perhaps CALA) - </li>
            <li class="li">Europe, Middle East, Africa -</li>
            <li class="li">Australia, Asia Pacific -</li>
        <li class="li">
          <p class="p">All servers have the same directory setup and filename naming convention. Therefore,
            when selling Mediatrix devices to the Euro zone, only the provisioning URL in the script
            needs to be changed</p>
        <li class="li">Once the unit has downloaded this redirect script, it will restart itself and start
          another round of provisioning with the BroadCloud provisioning server.</li>
      <div class="note important note_important"><span class="note__title">IMPORTANT:</span> Each scripting line must be written without introducing any spaces or
        "Enter" commands.  </div>
    <section class="section">The section in bold is the main redirect script.</section>
    <section class="section"><pre class="pre codeblock"><code>
# Copyright(c) 2019 Media5 Corporation ("Media5")
# NOTICE: This document contains information that is confidential and 
# proprietary to Media5.
# Media5 reserves all rights to this document as well as to the Intellectual
# Property of the document and the technology and know-how that it includes
# and represents.
# This publication cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, in any
# form whatsoever without prior written approval by Media5.
# Media5 reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes at
# any time and without the obligation to notify any person and/or entity of
# such revisions and/or changes.
################################################## </code></pre>
  <pre class="pre codeblock"><code></code></pre></section>
    <section class="section">
      <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>
#System Name        : Mediatrix C710
#Description        : US BroadSoft Flash File
################################################## <span class="keyword wintitle">
# Hoc Service
Hoc.HttpUaHeaderFormat = "%product%/v%version% %mac%"
# Time Server
Hoc.SntpConfigSource = "Static"  # Static, or Automatic (dhcp)
Hoc.StaticSntpServerHost = ""
# Config File 
DownloadConf.ScriptsLocation = "dms/Mediatrix-C710"
Conf.ScriptsTransferSrvHostname = ""
Conf.ScriptGenericFileName = "C710_%mac%_user.txt"
Conf.ScriptsTransferOnRestartEnable = "Enable"
Conf.ScriptsTransferProtocol = "https"
Conf.ScriptsTransferCertificateValidation = "NoValidation"
Conf.ScriptsTransferCertificateTrustLevel = "LocallyTrusted"
# Disabling Option 66 provisioning
Conf.ScriptsDhcpDownloadEnable = "Disable"
Conf.ScriptsAllowRepeatedExecution = "Disable" 

    <section class="section">
      <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>
# Adding a temporary VLAN
# Eth Service
Eth.AddVlan Idx=1
Eth.Vlan[Idx=1].LinkName = "eth1"
Eth.Vlan[Idx=1].VlanId = "1" 
# Build up Network interface table
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces.DeleteAllRows
# Bni.AddNetwork Idx=2
# Bni.AddNetwork Idx=3
# Bni.AddNetwork Idx=4
Bni.AddNetwork Idx=5
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=1].InterfaceName = "Rescue"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=2].InterfaceName = "Lan1"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=3].InterfaceName = "Uplink"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=4].InterfaceName = "UplinkV6"
Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=5].InterfaceName = "Uplink_VLAN"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=1].LinkName = "eth1"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=2].LinkName = "eth2"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=3].LinkName = "eth1"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=4].LinkName = "eth1"
Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=5].LinkName = "eth1.1"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=1].ConnectionType = "IpStatic"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=2].ConnectionType = "IpStatic"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=3].ConnectionType = "IpDhcp"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=4].ConnectionType = "Ip6AutoConf"
Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=5].ConnectionType = "IpDhcp"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=1].StaticIpAddr = ""
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=2].StaticIpAddr = ""
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=3].StaticIpAddr = ""
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=4].StaticIpAddr = ""
Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=5].StaticIpAddr = ""
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=1].StaticDefaultRouter = ""
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=2].StaticDefaultRouter = ""
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=3].StaticDefaultRouter = ""
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=4].StaticDefaultRouter = ""
Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=5].StaticDefaultRouter = ""
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=1].Activation = "Disable"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=2].Activation = "Enable"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=3].Activation = "Enable"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=4].Activation = "Disable"
Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=5].Activation = "Disable"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=1].Priority = "100"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=2].Priority = "50"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=3].Priority = "50"
# Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=4].Priority = "50"
Bni.NetworkInterfaces[Idx=5].Priority = "50" 
    <section class="section">
      <pre class="pre codeblock"><code>
# Troubleshooting
# Nlm.SyslogRemoteHost = ""
# Bni.MinSeverity = "Debug"
# Conf.MinSeverity = "Debug"
# Nlm.DiagnosticTracesEnable = "Enable"
# The following scripting line must be written without introducing any spaces or "Enter" commands. 
#Nlm.DiagnosticTracesFilter ="110=0,120=0,130=0,140=0,150=0,160=0,170=0,710=0,720=0,220=0,225=0,
# Restart services
</article><hr><span style="float: inline-end;"><a href="#">Top</a></span><article class="topic concept nested0" aria-labelledby="ariaid-title8" id="concept_fqm_rv4_k4">
 <h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title8">Copyright Notice</h1>

 <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">Copyright © 2023 Media5 Corporation.</p>
  <p class="p">This document contains information that is proprietary to Media5 Corporation.</p>
  <p class="p">Media5 Corporation reserves all rights to this document as well as to the Intellectual Property
   of the document and the technology and know-how that it includes and represents.</p>
  <p class="p">This publication cannot be reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, in any form whatsoever,
   without written prior approval by Media5 Corporation.</p>
  <p class="p">Media5 Corporation reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes at any time
   and without the obligation to notify any person and/or entity of such revisions and/or